quarta-feira, 25 de janeiro de 2017

Asa delta tandem flight in Rio

Voando com a galéra do programa Já é!  www.hangglidingbrazil.com Call us now (21) 9 9694-7323

Known in like Beto Rotor flight, pilot and instructor of HANG GLIDING & Paragliding with 15 years experience and more than 20 years involved with the free flight. Graduated in Business Management  (manager of business and risk analysis). Vice champion Rio de Asa delta 2005 and 2006 (Cat. Intermediate). 

Our goal is to democratize the free flight, or give access to anyone who wants to learn, or rent a delta wing paragliding, or even know, just do a dual-flight instruction, so our prices are more affordable.

Flying-wing delta or paragliding is all you need to break the pace and leave the crazy routine. We are ready to meet everyone, including people with special needs (cadeirantes, blind, deaf, dumb and people with limited physical mobility, see our photo gallery). Temos também muita experiência em vôos com pessoas da melhor idade e menores. We also have much experience in flying with the best people age and children. In Rotorfly in tailored to the needs of anyone who has the dream of flying, we are prepared to serve groups of up to 36 people per hour, after all we are 18 pilots with more than 15 years of experience.  Call now (21) 9 9694-7323  or send email to betorotor@betorotor.com - Beto Rotor.

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